Satisloh & WEIMA Sign Exclusive Agreement
Satisloh, WEIMA Signs Exclusive Distribution Agreement for briquetting solutions
Germantown, WI, USA — Satisloh signed an exclusive worldwide distributor agreement with Germany’s Weima GmbH, bringing their 30 years of proven briquetting technology to the ophthalmic manufacturing market.
“This is a tremendous match and a win for ophthalmic labs. Combining Bazell Technologies’ coolant management expertise with Weima’s vast briquetting experience provides unrivaled swarf management solutions for the industry. Weima’s briquetter technology is unequaled – compressing lab waste at a volume of 20:1,” said Larry Clarke, Satisloh AG, President & COO. “This relationship will greatly simplify labs’ waste disposal.”
The Weima Group has installed over 30,000 machines worldwide designed for an extensive range of shredding and briquetting applications with customers in the plastic, wood, metal, and other recycling industries. Weima briquetters press swarf into small, compressed briquettes without using any glues or adhesives. The briquetter can be integrated with existing Bazell coolant management systems.
Briquetting waste materials can reduce volume by up to 95%, providing considerable saving of disposal, transport, and storage costs.
“We are excited that our knowledge and experience can benefit another industry. We look forward to working with Bazell Technologies and Satisloh – leaders in ophthalmic lens manufacturing solutions,” said Martin Friz, Managing Partner, Weima.
“As the ophthalmic industry turns its attention to better managing swarf and its disposal, we’re proud to offer them proven solutions,” said Paul Dick, Managing Director, Bazell Technologies.
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