Nuestros valores

En Satisloh, nuestros valores compartidos son la piedra angular de nuestra cultura. Es lo que nos ha convertido en lo que somos hoy, da forma a todo lo que hacemos, guía nuestro comportamiento y las interacciones con nuestros colegas, clientes y socios, y nos ayuda a realizar nuestra misión.

Somos pioneros

llevando nuestro legado hacia el futuro.

We’re deeply rooted in our legacy – proud of where we came from, yet always innovating and improving the rules of the eyewear and eyecare game. 

We never stop learning, nor would we want to. We see our search for innovative solutions as an ongoing journey, not a destination. We’re curious – keeping up with trends, gathering insight, and thinking about where we can go next. 

Somos uno,

gracias a todo. 

We’re united by a shared vision and made stronger by our differences. Hundreds of thousands of talented people across the globe are the key to our success. 

We move as a team – one where everyone’s opinion is valuable and where diversity and inclusion are key ingredients to our culture. We want everyone to feel comfortable to be themselves – building each other up, playing on each other's strengths and growing together as a team.


Somos agiles,

haciendo simple lo complejo.

From product design, to supply logistics, to marketing and communications – this industry is far from straightforward. Our combined decades of experience allow us to deliver sophisticated solutions with impressive speed. 

We thrive in this fast-paced environment, always embracing new ways of doing things and optimizing wherever possible. If there’s a simpler way to achieve the same results, we’ll find it. We share often and actively with all of our stakeholders to identify pain points and turn them into strengths. 

Somos apasionados

convirtiendo la inspiración en impacto. 

Passion is what wakes us up every morning, and the results are what keep us going. We’re proud to see the effect our work has around the world, and we’re motivated by a culture of mutual trust.

We are goal-oriented individuals that are driven to achieve the best results for the company and for ourselves. We believe that the freedom to explore is essential to creating our best work, and we thrive in this culture that constantly pushes us to be at our best.  

Nos importa,

cerca de todos sea cual sea la distancia. 

The people who come through our doors are at the core of everything we do. And that includes ensuring a brighter future for all – continuing our commitment to sustainable practices. 

We have a global reach, but we feel connected to our customers on a personal level – always considering how our roles and decisions affect the larger customer experience. This is especially true when it comes to our products and expert services. 

We want to make a positive social impact and we work hard to ensure we do it in the most sustainable way possible.

¿Dudas? Haz una pregunta

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